全国服务热线 13185164750

永康江南疏通下水道马桶疏通 永康芝英清理化粪池疏通管道下水管

更新时间:2025-01-07 07:01:00
联系手机: 13185164750

永康江南疏通下水道马桶疏通 永康芝英清理化粪池疏通管道下水管

疏通馬桶蹲便地漏菜池 抽化糞池 清理集水井清理 汙泥池清理窯井清理 高壓沖水車疏通主管道,各種40mm-1000mm規格所有管道。疏通車型號齊全,疏通裝修期間由於水泥,渣土,沙灰對管道造成的堵塞,我們可以快速疏通,絕不損壞管道。抽化糞池,隔油池,讓您不留一點汙漬。 維修馬桶,水電維修,安裝馬桶,更換馬桶水箱配件,維修馬桶底部漏水 承接安裝各種PVC管、鑄鐵管、水泥管下水管道及改建一樓獨立下水等

Dredging toilets, squatting stools, floor drains, vegetable ponds, septic tanks, collecting wells, sludge tanks, kilns, wells, high pressure flushing trucks, and all pipes of 40mm to 1000mm in size are dredged. The number of dredging vehicles is complete. During the dredging and decoration period, due to the blockage caused by cement, slag, sand and ash, we can quickly dredge the pipeline without damaging it. Pumping septic tanks and oil separators allows you to leave no stains. Repair closestool, water and electricity maintenance, install closestool, replace toilet water tank accessories, repair leakage at the bottom of the closestool, undertake the installation of various PVC pipes, cast iron pipes, cement pipes, sewage pipes, and reconstruct independent drainage on the first floor


  • 地址:漓江街50号3楼
  • 邮编:322000
  • 电话:13216247233
  • 经理:刘永祥
  • 手机:13185164750
  • QQ:261732418
  • Email:261732418@qq.com